Tag Archives: Despair

Her Hope is Beautiful

Do you know where it is?
Somewhere in the past
A distant time where my happiness once lay
My chest is empty now
The world has faded behind the wall
Every feeling has disappeared
Left with me searching till there’s no where left to look
Do you know if it’s in the keeping of another?
Or if my fear doth hold it hostage?
The tears fall but I can’t decipher them
There’s nothing left to tell me why
The spirit lacks
And everything is miles apart
The body feels but division reigns
As it seeks to remember where the heart once lain

I’m fighting so hard
Banging on the doors
Fresh tears fall landing with a thud
The walls are so thick
No human ears ever hear
I’m fighting a silent war
Clawing my way through the plastic walls
If what was once lost was found
The only vindication in sight
Death comes so near
The clear victor in the near end
A hero isn’t sought
But one would be welcome here
The doors are open shut
To love me back to life

《Inspired by Colleen Hoover’s ‘Ugly Love’》